When students find a team, they find family, identity and a stronger sense of purpose.
Play. Grow. Thrive.
At Fields & Futures, our work is rooted in the belief all children deserve the opportunity to discover and play a sport they love – with access to safe play spaces, mentorship from caring coaches, and support of their teammates and community. When that happens, their pathway to a brighter future becomes so much clearer.
Unfortunately, sports participation is not equitable for all children. Financial obstacles and resource limitations deter too many children from ever stepping onto a field, court or track. Our job is to help break down barriers and give children of all ages the access and opportunities they deserve. Because when kids find a team, they find their way to a happier, healthier life.
The Moment: Daryen “DJ” Jefferson
By creating access to youth sports and providing kids with experiences and opportunities they may not get otherwise, we help build brighter, stronger futures, one student at a time.
When they play, they stay. When they stay, they graduate.
A key measure of success for everyone investing in our city’s kids is making sure they graduate high school feeling empowered and equipped to tackle life head on and create a great life for themselves. Over the years, data has shown student-athletes graduate at a higher rate, with stronger GPAs, better attendance records and fewer disciplinary actions. We also see, on almost a daily basis, how the life lessons taught in sports are part of the secret sauce that prepares kids for a fulfilling life beyond high school.
The Power of Hope
Hope is the belief your future will be better than today, and you have the power to make it so. Sports give kids the power to believe in themselves and realize the direct correlation between effort and outcomes. By experiencing adversity and success on the field, they learn how to overcome challenges and setbacks in life. More importantly, they are empowered by a sense of hope and self-confidence because they know that with focus, belief and hard work, there isn’t a goal they can’t reach.
Hope in Action
Building happy, healthy kids happens one win at a time… and we don’t mean game wins. We mean personal wins. When children feel seen, valued, loved, and supported, amazing things happen. Simple gestures, big gestures, access to unique experiences, a sense of belonging, and feeling you are not alone in this world are just a few of the ways sports participation is changing lives across the Oklahoma City urban core. Mental strength. Physical strength. Emotional strength. It all adds up to happier, healthier kids!