The Moment: Curtis Thompson

Aug 28, 2024

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When Southeast High School Site Athletic Director Curtis Thompson first set foot on the SEHS campus in 1982, he was met with a harsh reality. The athletic fields, the heart of any school’s sports program, were in such disrepair that they were an embarrassment.

Watch The Moment: Curtis Thompson to see how quality athletic fields have impacted the Spartans.

Hosting other teams felt almost shameful, and the fields themselves seemed to reflect the low expectations that had been set for the athletes who played on them. But even in the face of these challenges, Thompson’s loyalty to Oklahoma City Public Schools never wavered.

For Thompson, the state of the fields wasn’t just a logistical problem; it was a symbolic one. How could he, or any coach, instill a sense of pride and ambition in young athletes when their environment told them they weren’t worth the effort?

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It’s a question that coaches across the country have faced, but for Thompson, it was personal. He knew that for his athletes to succeed, they needed more than just guidance and training—they needed a space that inspired them to push their limits and believe in their potential.

Fast forward to today, and the difference is palpable. Thanks to the work of Fields & Futures, the fields at SEHS are no longer a source of embarrassment but of pride. Every morning, as Thompson walks the halls of SEHS, he sees it in the faces of the students and coaches. The transformation is more than physical; it’s cultural.

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The Spartans’ pride in their facilities is evident even in the smallest moments. Recently, when a player walked onto the pristine baseball field wearing metal spikes, the entire team erupted in protest. It was a light-hearted but significant moment—a sign that these fields now mean something to the students. They are worth protecting, worth caring for, and, most importantly, worth playing on.

The facilities renovated by Fields & Futures empower student-athletes all over OKCPS to dream bigger, set higher goals, and reach their full potential. Likewise, they enable coaches to focus on what truly matters—developing athletes to be the best they can be, both on and off the field.

Fields & Futures Blog The Moment: Curtis Thompson Story Image

Curtis Thompson’s journey with Southeast High School is one of transformation—from a time when the fields were a source of shame to today, where they are a source of pride and a foundation for future success. His story is a testament to the power of perseverance and a reminder that the environment in which young people learn and grow can shape their future.

The Moment is a Fields & Futures story series focused on the moments that shape athletes and coaches into the people they become.

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